charter legislation meaning. Second, in popular usage, a charter. A charter is a formal document that outlines the rules and regulations governing an organization.
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charter legislation meaning A charter is a crucial legal instrument that grants a corporation the authority to exist and operate within a specific jurisdiction. A basic document of law of a municipal corporation granted by the state, defining its rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of self. What does charter mean in legal documents?
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charter act meaning in telugu. Check 'charter' translations into telugu. An act of a legislative body creating a municipal or other corporation and defining its powers and privileges.
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charter act meaning in telugu Telugu meaning of charter or meaning of charter in telugu. Also, an instrument in writing from. చార్టర్, సంఘ నిర్మాణ వ్యవహార నిబంధనలు, సంఘాల ఏర్పాటుకు అనుమతిస్తూ.